Homeowner’s Corner

Choosing a contractor of any kind can be a risky endeavor if you don’t ask the right questions. We want to protect homeowners as much as our HVAC-R members. 

The State of Georgia requires that anyone who “services, repairs or installs’ an HVAC-R system in Georgia MUST be licensed by the State of Georgia Construction Industry Licensing Board. O.C.G.A. 43-14.

It is a little known secret that if you have your HVAC-R equipment installed or serviced by an unlicensed contractor, the warranty on your equipment might be void. Unfortunately, most consumers, even those who have done thorough research before purchasing an HVAC-R system, are not aware of this fact because it is rarely disclosed on the internet or by unlicensed contractors. In fact, there is usually no notice about this on the manufacturer’s website, the packaging, or on the equipment itself. As a result, most consumers do not learn of this restriction until they have to make a claim for repairs or until they read the fine print on the warranty, which is usually not provided until the HVAC-R unit has been purchased and installed.

Consumers can contact The Conditioned Air Association of Georgia at (678) 646-2224, which will work with the contractor, the property owner, and the licensing board to try to resolve the problem.

If harm is caused by an unlicensed contractor, a consumer can file a lawsuit against the contractor. The consumer may also contact the Secretary of State’s Construction Industry Licensing Board, who may order the contractor to stop engaging in unlicensed contracting and/or fine the contractor for engaging in any subsequent acts of unlicensed contracting.

Verify that a contractor is state-licensed
State of georgia licensed residential general contractor click to verify
A map of the state of georgia with the flag on it

Before buying from an unlicensed HVAC contractor

  • A unlicensed contractor may not be trained by the HVAC-R manufacturer to install your products. 
  • If there is an insurance claim, the insurance company may not cover it.
  • A unlicensed contractor may not have workers comp. If they get hurt on the job, YOU could be liable.
  • An unlicensed contractor is not required to stay up to date on continued education, regulations and equipment manufacturing. This could result in a improper installation or failed job.
  • They probably do not have the proper permits to be working or installing any HVAC products.
  • The homeowner will assume responsibility for the project should it become problematic.

Questions to ask your HVAC contractor:

  • Do they have an up-to-date license? 
  • Do they have a EPA Certification
  • Is their HVAC-R permit a City or County Permit
  • Do they have Liability Insurance
  • Do they have Workers’ Compensation Insurance
  • What is their list of references
  • Can they provide a written contract? 
  • Does the equipment have a warranty?
  • Does he/she belong to CAAG or other professional trade associations?
  • Will he/she be using licensed subcontractors?
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